Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jay McDowell, The IDIOTS At The Howell School District & The History Of The Confederate Flag

Jay McDowell
On Oct. 20, 2010, economics teacher Jay McDowell told a student in his classroom to remove a Confederate Flag belt buckle. She complied, but it prompted a question from a boy about how the flag differs from the rainbow flag, a symbol of pride for the gay community.

"I explained the difference between the flags, and he said, 'I don't accept gays,'" said McDowell, 42, who was wearing a shirt with an anti-gay bullying message.

McDowell said he told the student he couldn't say that in class.

"And he said, 'Why? I don't accept gays. It's against my religion.' I reiterated that it's not appropriate to say something like that in class," McDowell said Monday.

McDowell said he sent the boy out of the room for a one-day class suspension. Another boy asked if he also could leave because he also didn't accept gays.

"The classroom discussion was heading in a direction I didn't want it to head," McDowell said.

McDowell soon received one-day suspension without pay & a reprimand letter from the district that said his actions violated the students' free speech rights as well as school policy. It also said he "purposefully initiated a controversial issue" by the wearing the T-shirt featuring the anti-gay bullying message.

"I thought it was a really great, teachable moment," McDowell said of his decision to remove the student from class.

Does the Howell district know that...
The confederate flag is a symbol of traitors who wanted to uphold slavery and steel land from the United States by forming their own nation within.

The gay flag on the other hand is a symbol of, among other things, working within the system to protect civil liberties.

The History Of The Confederate Flag Of America
With the formation of the Confederate States of America (the slave states) in early 1861, one of the first orders of business for the American traitors was to create a flag for the seceding states' new nation. There were two schools of thought in creating the flag.

Those who preferred a very different flag from that of the United States. In March of 1861, those who supported a flag similar to that of the United States prevailed, and the "Stars and Bars" became the official National flag of the Confederacy.

Eventually the Stars and Bars had a total of 13 stars. The thirteen states represented were: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kentucky. Note that Missouri and Kentucky never officially seceded, but were slave states, and did have some confederate state governments, although they were in exile for the most part. With this matter resolved, the participants proceeded with the prosecution of the War against the United States.

In battle, the purpose of a flag was to help identify who was a patriot and who was a confederate enemy. Having two sides fight under flags that were similar in appearance was a very bad idea. It actually did cause some degree of confusion at the Battle of Bull Run.

Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard suggested that there should be two flags. One, the National flag, and the second one a battle flag, with the battle flag being completely different from the United States flag and a battle flag was created. The flag is referred to as the Confederate battle flag, and as the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia.

The National flag of the confederacy is almost forgotten today, and the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia has become the symbol most associated with the traitorous confederacy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why Do Some Christians Ostracize Their Gay Sons?

On November 12, 2010 I posted the following question on Yahoo Answers.

“What is it about being gay that...?

Children can grow up to be psychopaths, sociopaths, drug dealers, drug addicts, rapists, thieves, adulterers and a whole list of other things that would seem to be bigger sins than being gay and yet parents accept their criminal children with open arms.

But as soon as a boy comes out of the closet many Christian parents will reject him all together. I don't recall any Christian group going after any alcoholics & adulterers with the same venom they do gays.

So the question is "What is it about the gay sin that makes it so much worse than the rest of these sins? Why do some Christian parents accept the sinner who rapes or commits adultery but the gay son gets kicked out of the family, sin, sinner & all."

BTW I'm reposting this in different categories because I'm looking to see what different people say so you may see this question again.“

I posted this question in Religion & Spirituality, Family, LGB&T, & Gender Studies. I must confess that I am still naive.  Granted I was expecting a wide array of opinions but I really didn't think anyone would outrightly defend discarding children just because.  Nor did I think that anyone would be so clueless as to deny it altogether.

These are the replies I got.

Religion & Spirituality
13 replies

by John quill Quill
God hates homosexuality. Ask Him.

by *Newell*
I had to leave my house four days after high school graduation because my father didn't want a gay son in the house. I had a choice between the Army or sell myself on Santa Monica Blvd. I joined the Army.

Then when my Dad got sick, guess what. His favorite son, Mr. Hetero, wouldn't take care of him. I did. And we hated each other. I wonder how it felt for my Dad to know that the last person on Earth to look him in the eyes hated his guts.

by lightnin...
Christians lack the willpower to overcome the "ick" factor which frequently occurs to most people when they contemplate sexual behaviours other than their own.

Christians embrace their lack of willpower, just like they embrace their lack of knowledge.by

What is in the bible is when GOD gave Adam a woman for a companion. That is why the controversy. I personally do not care. I have a few friends that are gay and I do not care. They do not press me and I do not judge them.

Good point but who wants to boast of their sexual preferance or be specially recognized for it.Sex is an intimate private act.And yes it is an Abomination to the Lord.

Respect for others

Gay teen Corey Clark
on the cover of Time.
by atomicst...
1. NEVER use the "g" word to describe homosexuals. That word means happy, and they are not a happy people !!
2. Homosexuality is a moral repugnance that God and all real christians hate and condemn !!!

by KarmaKin...
You would be hard pressed to find a more conservative 'fundy' than yours truly. Ask around this place.

I would not disown or allow animosity between myself and my children over 'any' sin or perversion. My three boys are exactly that, mine. Good, bad, or indifferent. Of course I pray for the best for them and would like them to live out a life worthy of our savior but, if Jesus is not the central focus of their life it would not be the end of mine.

God Bless

by kdanley
News Flash: we don't want our kids to become "psychopaths, sociopaths, drug dealers, drug addicts, rapists, thieves, adulterers and a whole list of other things" either. We actually pray for wayward children, regardless of their sins.

We Christians do not hate homosexuals. We preach that it is a sin, but we try to get the homosexuals saved and helped. We do not want them to trade their eternal souls for sinful pleasure.

by jcsaves3...
simply because homosexuals are seen seeking justification for their debauchery. There is no justification. God Bless

Jesus saves

by Allen
Homosexuality is right down there with incest, polygamy, bestiality. Imagine the day when homosexuality is accepted by the majority as a normal lifestyle. Guess who would be next on the whaaaagon. Probably the incest people or bestiality proponents. It is sick how the media is pushing homosexuality as a healthy lifestyle when it is completely the opposite. The horrors ahead.

by BigBob
In Matthew 5:21-28, Jesus equates committing adultery with having lust in your heart and committing murder with having hatred in your heart. However, this does not mean the sins are equal. What Jesus was trying to get across to the Pharisees is that sin is still sin even if you only want to do the act, without actually carrying it out. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day taught that it was okay to think about anything you wanted to, as long as you did not act on those desires. Jesus is forcing them to realize that God judges a person’s thoughts as well as his actions. Jesus proclaimed that our actions are the result of what is in our hearts (Matthew 12:34).

So, although Jesus said that lust and adultery are both sins, that does not mean they are equal. It is much worse to actually murder a person than it is to simply hate a person, even though they are both sins in God’s sight. There are degrees to sin. Some sins are worse than others. At the same time, in regard to both eternal consequences and salvation, all sins are the same. Every sin will lead to eternal condemnation (Romans 6:23). All sin, no matter how “small,” is against an infinite and eternal God, and is therefore worthy of an infinite and eternal penalty. Further, there is no sin too “big” that God cannot forgive it. Jesus died to pay the penalty for sin (1 John 2:2). Jesus died for all of our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21). Are all sins equal to God? Yes and no. In severity? No. In penalty? Yes. In forgivability? Yes.

by Lucas
They just can't seem to accept that people can be different from them. And their excuse is "God hates homosexuality" which is one of the dumbest excuses ever.

by Cjmjm2
So I posted this answer in the lgbt category question you posted. But I think it would do good in this section because this is the group of people who need to see the answer more. Before you thumb down me, know that I am a catholic so I am not intending to diss Christianity in any way on purpose ( because then I'd be dissing myself seeing as I am a Christian too)

"What is it about the gay sin that makes it so much worse than the rest of these sins?"

It is not even a sin in the Bible.

Leviticus says it is an abomination to sleep with man as you do woman. Abomination, in the time the bible was written, meant unclean not morally wrong. This is why on the same page of the bible leviticus goes on to say that shaving your face and eating shellfish are abominations. It was unclean to shave back then because men shaved with rocks and rocks were dirty. If a man nicked himself he could develop an infection. With no cures for infection it could have lead to death. Shellfish were unclean to eat because they were the scavenger fish who ate the crap from the bottom of the ocean. There was no proper way to clean shellfish in that time so ingesting them lead to serious illness and death. Now sleeping with a man while you were also a man was unclean because back then the men were hard labor workers thus making the men very dirty. There was little known about std's and sti's back in that time and all std's had no cures, so basically sleeping with anyone who wasn't your wife was very unsafe for the spread of these illnesses.

The word homosexuality is used in one part of the bible but you have to understand that back in the time the bible was written homosexuality was not a word. This is only seen in the newer versions of the bible, not the older translations. The newer versions are rewritten by christian scholars. When translated from Greek, there was one word that did not have an english counterpart or english translation. So this word was turned into the word homosexuality in one part of the bible. But in areas of the greek version where this same word popped up it was translated to mean 'men who sleep with boys' 'male strippers' and 'rapists' since one word can not logically mean all of theses things that translation is very invalid.

"Why do some Christian parents accept the sinner who rapes or commits adultery but the gay son gets kick out of the family,"

This makes no sense to me. Raping, stealing, murdering, drugs all that is by choice. Being gay is not a choice. It is predetermined in the womb just like height is. Christians claim that "well there are no gay babies" well when you are born it is already programed in your body what your adult height will be. Do you see people give birth to six foot babies? No of course not. Height comes out over time, just like orientation.

The gay people and the straight people have love the same way. At the age where a straight person starts to develop crushes on the opposite gender the gay person will only develop those same feelings of crush for the same gender. That is not a choice. You don't walk into your classroom at age 14 scan the room and say "hmmm I think I'll develop a crush on that guy'. It doesn't happen like that.

Christians also like to link homosexuality with pedophilia and bestiality. What these people don't understand is that what pedophiles and bestiality people do is called rape. Only one person is consenting to this sort of relationship. The other person is an unwilling victim. Even if the pedophile is gentle, the child or animal is not competent to understand love and relationships and very incompetent to the meaning of sexual intercourse. Homosexuality is consented by both involved.

They also think that homosexuals only want sex. They think it is about lust and not love. They can't understand that it is the same feelings of love that they feel for their heterosexual relationships. I am almost 23 years old and I am a virgin and lesbian. If it was all about sex and lust then how am I still a virgin? They reject their child because when the kid says "I'm gay" they think "omg my son is a pedo, a furry, a sex addict, confused, a sinner" That is a lot of thoughts combined. So to some christian parents that is far worse in their mind then if their kid came to them and said "I have a drug problem" or "I stole something".

5 replies.

by Fook Wi
Is it in the bible? I dont know. Do Christians believe that you go to hell if you are gay??

by Fluffy Girl
Because people fear what they don't understand, and don't forget that parents feel that THEY will somehow be criticized for turning their child into what society frowns upon.

Also many parents feel that their dreams are thrown out the window of having grandchildren and may shun the gay child out of the family for fear of criticism.

How this is somehow worse than what you have mentioned, and I do agree, I would much rather my child tells me they like other men than that they have killed six people.. I don't know. I guess some parents just really don't realize that there are much worse things in the world than who their child chooses to love.

by Anonymous Person
I think it's because Gay people can't grow out of being gay but criminals can grow out of being a criminal. Parents are more hopeful for the criminals to change path but the Gay people can't.


by countzan...
Because homosexuality is a lifelong sin whereas a murder is a one-time thing. To murder is to rebel once; to be gay is to rebel always.

by Spalding...
.....Dear Daddy Bear, ever since the beginning of Christianity, being gay has been seen as a very unacceptable thing because of what it says in the Bible against homosexuality. So, being gay has been seen by Christian societies as totally not acceptable, as well as shameful. Over the years the feeling developed that if you were homosexual then you were a sexual deviant. And while it is true that adultery, raping, murder, etc., are also condemned in the Bible, they do not carry the stigma of being queer or strange when it comes to sexual behavior. Nowadays, there seems to be some proof that being gay is a biological thing that naturally makes people gay. Some Christian communities are slowly coming to accept that, but more have not accepted it as yet. I believe it will take more time and that being gay will be acceptable, but it will be a slow process. :-)

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender
10 replies

by Boo you whoar
Well, first off it's not even a sin. It's perfectly natural and normal. But yes, isn't it interesting that people are so concerned about who people love and share physical affection with when there are so many other problems to be worrying about in our world.

by .∂ιgιтαℓ ιηѕαηιту ☃
Insecurity and ignorance

by ♥Melody♥
My mom says it's because it's not natural and it's a sin . I think it's stupid for a parent to disown their child for that when they could be doing bad things .

by MissMuff...
The reason for this is some people are really just that f*cking ignorant.

by Stop the Hate
It is because most christians have major issues with sex in general. Stupidity is what I attribute it to.

Stop the Hate!

by xxx000au
Your in line with my thinking.

I have often asked the same thing. We see on the nightly news guys who have committed the most horrendous crimes. Most often against the frail, handicapped or the young. Armed robbery, murder, torture, rape, gang rape. The victims can be anyone including women in their 90s or children/babies.

Yet upon appearing in court we see the accuses family and friends giving moral support.

As you say, very strange as in many families had the very same guy stood and said he is gay many of those who are in court would be the very same people who would put him down.

I guess then in their eyes being gay is worse than raping and killing a baby.

I cant say why but I will have guess.

Self serving.

I believe a lot more people in society have same sex attraction but they have learned to keep it private.

That is until an openly gay people come along. This blatant gay behaviour is an in your face experience for someone with a secret. (in denial.) This openness makes private people uncomfortable as its a topic that most would just rather not have deal with.

Where as with the crimes I listed above, as these people don't have the same need for secrets on those subjects, they are comfortable with in them self to support the accused.

by Riley
I live in Sydney, we don't have this, or any other religious antisocial problems in our country. With our anti discrimination and vilification laws.

If persons choose to follow personal or religious beliefs, they freely can do so. Providing it's not used to accost, panhandle, or verbally use it or any form of written vilification to openly discriminate persons in the public, or door knocked and sold at there homes.

by Cjmjm2
"What is it about the gay sin that makes it so much worse than the rest of these sins?"

It is not even a sin in the Bible.

Leviticus says it is an abomination to sleep with man as you do woman. Abomination, in the time the bible was written, meant unclean not morally wrong. This is why on the same page of the bible leviticus goes on to say that shaving your face and eating shellfish are abominations. It was unclean to shave back then because men shaved with rocks and rocks were dirty. If a man nicked himself he could develop an infection. With no cures for infection it could have lead to death. Shellfish were unclean to eat because they were the scavenger fish who ate the crap from the bottom of the ocean. There was no proper way to clean shellfish in that time so ingesting them lead to serious illness and death. Now sleeping with a man while you were also a man was unclean because back then the men were hard labor workers thus making the men very dirty. There was little known about std's and sti's back in that time and all std's had no cures, so basically sleeping with anyone who wasn't your wife was very unsafe for the spread of these illnesses.

The word homosexuality is used in one part of the bible but you have to understand that back in the time the bible was written homosexuality was not a word. This is only seen in the newer versions of the bible, not the older translations. The newer versions are rewritten by christian scholars. When translated from Greek, there was one word that did not have an english counterpart or english translation. So this word was turned into the word homosexuality in one part of the bible. But in areas of the greek version where this same word popped up it was translated to mean 'men who sleep with boys' 'male strippers' and 'rapists' since one word can not logically mean all of theses things that translation is very invalid.

"Why do some Christian parents accept the sinner who rapes or commits adultery but the gay son gets kick out of the family,"

This makes no sense to me. Raping, stealing, murdering, drugs all that is by choice. Being gay is not a choice. It is predetermined in the womb just like height is. Christians claim that "well there are no gay babies" well when you are born it is already programed in your body what your adult height will be. Do you see people give birth to six foot babies? No of course not. Height comes out over time, just like orientation.

The gay people and the straight people have love the same way. At the age where a straight person starts to develop crushes on the opposite gender the gay person will only develop those same feelings of crush for the same gender. That is not a choice. You don't walk into your classroom at age 14 scan the room and say "hmmm I think I'll develop a crush on that guy'. It doesn't happen like that.

Christians also like to link homosexuality with pedophilia and bestiality. What these people don't understand is that what pedophiles and bestiality people do is called rape. Only one person is consenting to this sort of relationship. The other person is an unwilling victim. Even if the pedophile is gentle, the child or animal is not competent to understand love and relationships and very incompetent to the meaning of sexual intercourse. Homosexuality is consented by both involved.

They also think that homosexuals only want sex. They can't understand that it is the same feelings of love that they feel for their heterosexual relationships. I am almost 23 years old and I am a virgin and lesbian. If it was all about sex then how am I still a virgin? They reject their child because when the kid says "I'm gay" they think "omg my son is a pedo, a furry, a sex addict, confused, a sinner" That is a lot of thoughts combined. So to some christian parents that is far worse in their mind then if their kid came to them and said "I have a drug problem" or "I stole something"

by J m
Wow, I just followed this question over at the R&S forum, and boy, people are so hateful, for the majority of answers. Made me sad to see so called religious people so hateful in the name of their 'god'. If their "god" is god, I don't want to know him.

by Ryan
You drive a good point.

Honestly, I think it's because they believe that homosexuality and bisexuality happen by choice, and that you can "stop being gay" any time you want, like it's an on off switch. Which really ridiculous, it is NOT a choice by any measure.

Gender Studies
11 replies

by thyroid
Its terrible that people are against LGBT. They are normal people! Nothing is wrong with that.

I think it's a lack of understanding that makes them against it.

It's unfortunate.. the world makes no sense.

I support and I will encourage others to do the same.

by Alex
i have seen that too. i can't really grasp it. i think some people are personally affronted that their child is not a cloned version of themselves, and so try to destroy them with gusto.

the christian thing is garbage by the way. Christ never spoke out against gays, but he managed to say a great deal about hate and child abuse.

other people in the bible did speak out against gays, but as a Christian, i feel the words of Christ himself should be considered more important than some guy who advocated setting people on fire.

by Archituethis dux
Any Christian who judges a homosexual is not a good Christian. Some truly are born homosexual. It is a common known fact that many people are given extra chromosomes. This is something physical that happens and cannot be reversed. There are many other reasons as well (I only explain one of them).

As a Christian it is ok to be against homosexuality, but understand that there are things you can't judge. We Christians are against swearing but if somebody has tourettes and swears every five minutes we don't condemn him. Something physical is causing this and it is not a choice.

I'm not saying homosexuality is like a mental illness I am just making a point about how it is more complicated that many people believe.

A christian shouldn't judge somebody that can't change who they are

by Blue Eyed Homosexual

Taboos are interesting. Two guys kissing each other in the movie Brokeback Mountain caused a furore like an earthquake across the western world and yet some zealots salivate over real-time videos and photos of horrific scenes in present day wars.

Death is another taboo in our culture that if you bring it up in a room full of people you can guarantee the room will hush and more often than not the 'messenger' will be shot so to speak.

Taboos really do fascinate me but taboos can be broken and the gay one is being smashed as we speak. Straight men are embracing (pardon pun) the idea of hugging and kissing each other as a platonic show of friendship and affection

Google it - it's great news.

tell me WHY it is OK 'as a christian' to articulate openly that you are against homosexuality? It isn't OK. Period.

Link to my Q with link to the UK press article re the increasing acceptance of physical affection between straight men:


by Greasy Slop
very interesting. Would be better if even little more of it were true, but hey. Can't have everything.

Where do you get off making blanket statements like "parents accept their criminal children with open arms?" And who says all parents reject their homosexual kids? Where are you getting your information?

I've been to the slammer, and I know a lot of criminals. Don't know of many - if any - unrepentant criminals that enjoy much, if any, support from their families.

And, by the way, the poop these days is that alcoholism is a disease, and people that are alcoholic should seek help. When they do, most families will support them. And a lot of people look at homosexuality the same way. Would you prefer that it be considered a disease, and only those seeking help to rid themselves of it be considered worthy of support?

by Anonymou...
Most religions have their head up their own ar*ses. To them being gay is a bigger sin and will send them to hell faster than if they were a violent criminal. And all because of some book written ~2,000 years ago by some women and gay hating men who were obsessed with death. Ever had a look at the bible? Gays along with unruly teenagers, people who work on the Sabbath and people who commit adultery should all be put to death apparently*

Interestingly how Christians pick and choose bits of the bible to follow and ignore other bits.


by Blue Eyed Christian Returns!
Hey guess what, 1) many Christian families don't and wouldn't do that, and 2) some of the parents who spaz when their kid comes out of the closet aren't religious at all. Don't be so prejudiced.

>So the question is "What is it about the gay sin that makes it so much worse than the rest of these sins? Why do some Christian parents accept the sinner who rapes or commits adultery but the gay son gets kick ou of the family, sin, sinner & all."

I think that there are some people who are just plain ridiculous and illogical and cruel, and it has nothing to do with their faith. I think they'd be hurting their kids in another way if they had no faith. It's their nature.

But I also think that some Christians focus so strongly on homosexuality because it's one of the last sins that surfaces in a church. Many churches have members who have committed adultery and fornication, who are alcoholics, who look at porn. who do all kinds of stuff that is completely wrong. And if people stand up against those things then it will make them really uncomfortable and guilty. They can't face their own sin, oh no, or everyone would know they're hypocrites. So they pick one that they aren't doing, that pretty much nobody in their church is doing, and harp on that...and maybe if they're loud enough, nobody will notice the sins that they *are* living in. That's what I think, anyway. I agree with you, it's two-faced for Christians to excuse adultery and premarital sex and all kinds of other sins while harping on that one particular one.

I don't get kicking the kid out of the family though. What a horrible thing to do.

by esmereld...
Sorry, I'm mostly posting to tell that individual who thinks GLBT folk have an "extra gene" that we have no such thing. Same # of chromosomes as anyone else.

I think religionists just get off on sexual misconduct. But unlike a lot of folks who parrot what "my minister says," I have read the bible and don't recall Jesus putting any exclusionary clauses in "love one another" or "do unto others."

If Christians actually followed Christ's teachings ... well, there'd be fewer hate-mongering "ministers" gettin rich pandering to people's fears.

by Bilal C
being gay is just as wrong as all the other sins like rape murder and adultery and gay people are just not a good thing to have part of our society look at them they dress like women and act liek them that just looks downright gross and creepy

Completely retarded, They will not think outside the book, rules and guide lines are just setup for stupid people. Stupid ideas for motility, but check this out honesty is great until you tell a female she is fat, I haven't done the math yet currently but I am suspecting it will be very high just like the haters based off the thumb system, one in 7.4 currently are haters on others due to personality with the basic thumb system, and yes it does prove very useful.

Romans actually changed the book of revelations on votes like how we elect a president, LMAO - Humans, 98% are emotional and irrational and judge in a assuming way instead of just trying to be at least conscious of themselves instead of being a primitive wild animal based off of evolutionary science which I like but I don't believe in this either but since i have read so many books and thousands of text related to evolution it is useful but I have my own theories besides creation and evolution but enough of that. back to the irrational book of gods. Like I said these people may be nice but they are the most emotional and irrational people of all and that is UNSTABLE, trust me on this, these people are the most non logical of all, being gay, then they build a church that changes the text again by who, humans: to allow gays to be in the church, just insane!

I am tired, my physical body, my hands can only type @ 130WPM so that sucks!

I have a eidetic memory

I read well over 1,000 words per minute, it would not take me very long to accrue quite a bit of knowledge.

a bit of knowledge too you would be a vast amount of knowledge!

Just because the numbers for religion down is 14% with the newer generation up to 30 years of age and no later! but lets go back to the age group now 17-23 - 14% number I am talking about, because they don't believe in it, yes they are thinking outside but it is due to mass peer pressure reasoning, the internet and so on, so instead of having common sense and being smart thinking oh wow these new kids are thinking outside and already aware of themselves, NO- They are just able to find information quicker with ways of newer tech.

Baby maker pandemic going on, demographics well I am not going to name each city and percent but it is the poor cities in each and every state, I want to give you the numbers cause it is amazing, why I say pandemic! They have baby 1 but are they smart enough to give the baby up for adoption or abort it since they are 17 not even finished with HS or started college, 2010 everything is very costly. They have this idea that 40-50 years ago, no problem but of course, anyone working a job, any job could buy a house and have 6 kids while actually being able to take care of them, oh lets go back demographics, yes so smart to raise a child in a wrecked family, poor violence zone while being on welfare and when I said one baby, 10 lines up - they will most likely have 3 babies, 3 fathers, 3 divorces by 22-23 and single.


baby one, husband thinks irrational and then figures it out and gets out of this mess

baby two she is now a wreck, needing sex and baby so she can have father 2 to take care of the family, way to emotional and crazy so he leaves in time.

baby 3 - same concept but the guy is more desperate and dumb so it just happens!

What they are basing this on is that religion is flawed so we can have babies and sex all the time, they have no idea about personality nor do they even care to want to know how humans think or work. I mean they rely on emotions for everything, that is the most unstable thing in the world. sex-drive has not changed for millions of years of evolution, so that is extreme emotional emotion change.

Emotions are seen to me as something mysterious and as uncontrollable as they are unalterable. Emotions cannot be controlled. They cannot be measured by any means, research it all you want, you are not going to be able tell me what a feeling is without giving me some irrational emotional answer!

by Undercover Evacuation
If I rape or commit adultery I'm pretty damn sure my parents wouldn't accept that from me.

[edit] where do you get your assumptions from?

If you're a heterosexual parent, which would you disapprove more from your children - homosexuality or rape/adultery?

If you choose the latter, don't be so quick on assuming that others would answer differently.

Another factor which comes into play may be the child's regret/guilt for their sins. If they regret doing these sins, parents may be able to accept that they've done wrong and are willing to repent.

On the other hand, if they refuse to accept that they are committing / have committed acts of sin, it may compel their parents to reject them.

So here's another scenario for you...

Child 1: rapist who feels guilty about what he has done and willing to suppress their urges

Child 2: homosexual who feels dirty for being so and also willing to suppress their urges

Child 3: rapist who shows no remorse in what he's doing

Child 4: homosexual who would rather denounce their faith rather than trying to change

Assuming the parents uphold Christian beliefs and values, which children would they be more likely to feel compassion for?

The next morning I received a message from one of the guys who answered my question in the LGBT category.

Message: Dear Daddy.

I liked your question re gays vers killing someone.

I was also interested in answers from various sections.

I read the answers in the religious area and was not surprised to find that only one was an attempt at an answer. The rest behaviour supported your question.

In the family section the "Fluffy Girl" may have touched on something. " Criminals still deliver grandchildren, gays wont. " Hers aside I loved the that says, murder is more acceptable than homosexuality.

To that I say. What a ****** up world we live in.

In Gender one guy over read what your.

Rather than just interpret, he reads it as black and white.

In the good old LGBT

A few who made good points.

In my eyes, a wonderful question that should challenge people, if only they could get past their bigotry and see it with an open mind.

Sincerely, Warren.

I wrote back.

Hi Warren.

I was glad to read your letter.

I think you're one of the few who understand my letter. You're right, my question was a challenge. Granted I was (and still am) curious as to why some parents would ostracize their sons just for being gay.

Why is it that some parents would prefer that their sons die rather than be gay? Why is it that some parents won't do anything when their heterosexual sons bring home whores, beat their girlfriends, use drugs and use the parents bed for sex (I know someone who did this) but feel duty bound to take action when their other son comes out of the closet?

But it was also a challenge, not against their perceptions on sin, homosexuality or homosexuals, but to challenge their perceptions on love and family. To get them to put things in perspective. That if their children turn out gay that they shouldn't ostracize them but instead love them just as much as they did before.

Now I could go on about how immoral it is to ostracize one's children, I think I'd only be preaching to the choir. But I will say that the problem is deeper rooted than what it appears to be.

Anyway, you have a good day and again thank you for your letter.

Sincerely Daddy Bear.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Why Tyler Clementi, Why?!

When I first read about this tragedy it grieved me.  To think that such a promising young man could find no other recourse than to kill himself, not to mention the callus idiocy that prompted him to do it.

This is a list of events of the last days of Tyler Clementi collected from news reports.

Tyler Clementi's unpretentious Facebook picture

1.    At Ridgewood High School, N.J., Tyler Clementi (18), a quiet and closeted redhead and skilled violinist won a scholarship from the local symphony orchestra at his June graduation.
2.    Dharun Ravi (18), of Plainsboro, and Molly Wei (18), of Princeton, were members of the same clique at West Windsor Plainsboro High School North, N.J. Friends described Dharun as one who enjoyed a good prank. All three students were three weeks into their freshman year.
Dharun Ravi
3.    Tyler and Dharun were placed as roommates at Rutgers University. Apparently Tyler wasn't happy with Dharun as a roommate and requested to have his room changed. He was denied.
4.    On September 19, 2010 Tyler asked Dharun if he could have the room for some privacy. (For those who aren't familiar with this, it means that one is going to bring a date in for sex.)
5.    Dharun agreed and without telling Tyler, planted his web cam to record Tyler and his companion having sex.
6.    "Roommate asked for the room till midnight," Dharun wrote on Twitter that night. "I went into Molly's room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay."
Molly W
7.    Dharun streamed the two guys having sex and posted it onto the world wide web.
8.    Apparently Tyler asked Dharun for the room again because two days later in another Twitter post Dharun announced; "Yes, it's happening again," he wrote, inviting people to watch between 9:30 p.m. and midnight. Authorities said that the second streaming attempt failed.
9.    It isn't clear how Tyler found out about it, but he did. Tyler was not loud and outspoken, he was reserved, quiet and to himself. One can only imagine what rage, grief humiliation and despair poor Tyler suffered but one thing is sure, he felt he could endure no more.
10.   On the south walkway of the George Washington Bridge, Tyler walked from Fort Lee, N.J., to the tower on the New York side. There he left his wallet. Inside was his license, AAA card and his Rutgers ID. He jumped.
11.   The only note he left was on-line. Just 72 hours after his most intimate private life was so grotesquely made a public spectacle, Tyler posted the following status on his Facebook page on September 22 at 8:42 PM: “Jumping off the gw bridge sorry.”
12.   Dharun and Molly were arrested while Tyler's family waited for his body to be found.
13.   Authorities discovered the corpse of a white male floating in the Hudson River near the Columbia University boathouse, about 30 blocks north of the bridge on Wednesday, September 29, 2010. The corpse The was identified as Tyler's
14.   Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei were each charged with two counts of invasion of privacy. Dharun, freed on $25,000 bail, faced two additional charges for his botched bid at beaming Tyler's love life on the Internet.
15.   They each face up to five years in prison if convicted.

My opinion...

Dharun who even looks like that kind of clod who would callously impose on others and rudely dismiss any concerns brought up with an “Oh so what,” or “Well, it's to late to do anything about it now, what's done is done.” attitude saw Tyler as an easy target, one whom he could have fun at the expense of and not suffer any consequences. It would only be appropriate if Dharun suffered the same way. Put him in prison and stream him getting raped by the inmates. Broadcast THAT, not only on his Twitter account for his friends but for the world to see.
The rage & humiliation that went through Tyler must have been mind boggling. Only a realization of a complete lack of hope could compel a person to end his life... but a hope for what?

To walk with a level of dignity. To be respected. And lets not forget the one that all closeted young males want...That he would not be perceived as a joke for the rest of his life if everyone around him thought he was strait. This is an unspoken concern among so many closeted gay young men. It would be hard to say that no closeted gay male teen has stood in the presence of his peers while they mocked and ridiculed effeminate guys. Closeted young guys choose not to associate with feminine types and out homosexuals not because they're ashamed of being gay but because they don't want to be perceived as weak girly types. They simply don't want to be targets.

Effeminate males are constantly put down and laughed at on every level, legally, socially, even the media tends to promote the idea that gay males are ill adjusted & socially inferior "The wedding Crashers" & "The Pest" When young gay males see gay guys portrayed like this they shudder at the thought of coming out because they know that mainstream society including their friends & family accepts these concepts as absolute and the closeted guys option to stay closeted.

Lets face it, the mainstream media couldn't care less about masculine gay men unless they're being outed. Flamboyant gay males get much better ratings. Granted there are some shows that have incorporated gay strong masculine male figures but there aren't enough types. Would more who don't wear leather pants and blouses as in “American Wedding” help the situation?  We already have sports figures like Ben Cohen and John Amaechi & financially successful VIP types like Malcolm Forbes. The fashion designers, hairdressers & drag queens command so much attention perpetuating these stereotypes.

Originally I wanted to explore the idea of a masculine-gay-male presence consistently in the face of mainstream society, more so in high schools for young gay guys to identify with so that suicides like Tyler Clementi's could be avoided.  But haters don't need a reason to hate, they just do and the choice must come from within them.

Self acceptance must come from within but we're dealing with the very young who although want to be self accepting count acceptance from their peers more important.

What about Tyler not being accepted by or disappointing his family, this has done it for many gay young men as well. Every closeted young man can associate with Tyler genuinely loving his family and wanting to make them proud. But you have to wonder about his family. Was the word 'fagot' acceptable in his home. Is it acceptable now? Would Tyler have to watch his dad 'take it hard' if Tyler approached him one day & said “Dad, I'm gay.” Would his dad disown him or would he notice the courage that Tyler had to muster up to tell him that and give him a hug affirming his unconditional love for his son. Would his mom cry? Would they fool themselves into thinking that it's just a phase?  This is an issue that requires courage for all closeted young men.  As it turned out, before heading off to  college, Tyler mustered up the courage & told his parents that he was gay.  His father accepted him, his mother on the other hand said that she needed some time to process it.

If there are any parents out there reading this (especially fathers), you could quite literally save your son's life if you tell him that you would love him even if he were gay. Whether you think he's gay or not is irrelevant. Whether he denies it or not is irrelevant. Whether he plays football in high school or takes dance, let him know.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Becoming Twice The Man I Was While Becoming Half The Man I Am

I'm posting this story on my weight loss hoping that my experience will help someone because I know how much it sucks being overweight... aww screw that, it sucks being FAT! The best part about my weight loss is that I didn't have to buy any weight loss products, it's free (unless you include sneakers and sweats which I'm sure everyone has).

What a difference between then & now.
Since I was about 15 I was always an exercise enthusiast. There were times when I'd get up very early just to start the day with a 10 mile run. Then I started developing problems with my health, blood sugar and pains in my heart, thigh, legs and feet...none of which were diagnosable. These pains wouldn't let me jog and I started getting fat... fast. I rapidly started gaining weight. I swear I watched my whole wardrobe pass before my eyes and I started feeling horrible physically and emotionally. I tried walking, swimming and weight lifting but nothing took. Over the decades I watched myself turn into what resembled a pregnant orangutan. People would joke at my gut asking me when I was due. I wasn't even walking half the time, I was wobbling. Oh, and to make my life even more interesting, I started having a real hard time with my bladder AND bowels. Oh crap... so to speak.

So there you have it, a pregnant orangutan in a diaper. All I needed was to be called Coco and have a zoologist feed me with a bottle. I had such low energy that I was behaving older than people who were much older than I was. Suffice to say my self image was shot. I wanted so much to work off all this excess weight I had put on but couldn't. So I resigned myself to the inevitable and miserably accepted it.

Twenty years and a ninety pounds later most of my problems disappeared. They came out of nowhere and that's where they returned to. God willing, they'll stay there. But I still couldn't exercise. My legs still swelled whenever I stood up. It was very painful. My bladder was still weak and my bowels were looser than what they should be.

I eat a predominantly vegan diet and do my own cooking. I found that curry and broccoli are diuretics and that I had better bladder control when I didn't eat them a lot. Okay, my problems were a little bit better but still present.

Cut to about two years down the road. A friend of mine who's always studying the human body told me that water cycles itself from our heads to our feet and back again. Also that the water has a hard time moving back up from our legs into the torso in fat people, that it stops at the gut and settles in the legs. I was also told that if I do side bends with a weight it would help. It did to an extent.

Cut to about one more year down the road. Now I'm talking with a fellow vegetarian. I tell him about how I've been loose for a while and he recommends to stop eating apples & pears. I do and ALL my symptoms go away. I couldn't believe what was happening so I tested the waters and ate apples & pears again to see if it's true and sure enough it is. I've developed allergic reactions to the high fiber content in apples & pears.
I spoke to other health-oriented friends about this. One told me that she would eat a pear before going to bed whenever she's backed up. And by the time morning comes, she's no longer constipated.

I swear as soon as I stopped eating them in the early spring of 2008 I stopped feeling lethargic all the time, my legs no longer swell like they use to and I've been able to walk a far greater distance than I have in the past twenty years. I've hardly had ANY problems with my bladder and my bowels are WELL under control. Screw Depends!!!

Immediately I started investing in myself again and started jogging. Henceforth the weight has been plateauing off. Of course I'm not jogging 10 to 12 miles a day like I use to. I'm still overweight and have a ways to go. Besides, I'm much older and have to take it easier, so I'm doing approximately 5 miles at least three times a week.

People who didn't know me 20 years ago are completely blown away. And I can't get enough of the compliments. Yay!

I had been holding on to pants and workout gear for two decades now in hopes that I could fit into them again. In 2006 I was sorting through some things. It didn't make any sense for me to keep them any longer as all hope of regaining even a semblance of what I once had seemed futile at best but still, something told me to hold on to them just a little longer and man, I'm glad I did. I have the pants stacked from the smallest sizes to the largest. I've gotten to the point where I can fit the largest one's around my waist. I don't bother with scales or anything like that because muscles weigh more than fat anyway.

This is my routine
1 – I drink about a liter & a half of water (within a 10-15 min time period) at least an hour before breakfast. Among other things it flushes out my system and sucks up my hanging flesh.

2 – I take about 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in some water. According to earthclinic.com it 'breaks down fat and is widely used to lose weight'. It's an old time remedy that's suppose to help out with a bunch of things.
3 – Vitamins! Vitamins! Vitamins!

4 – Mainly vegan diet.

5 – Aerobic exercise.

6 – Plenty of rest.
Also right now I'm putting myself on a 21 day bread fast. I'm breaking the habit of eating sliced bread with my meals. Between August 7 & 27, I'm not eating ANYTHING with bread in it, muffins, sandwiches, pizza, nothing, I've gone cold turkey for 21 days. After that I'll have sandwiches & stuff but no more bread with my meals. Wish me luck.
This is what it feels like when you take care of yourself.
Be good to yourself cause nobody else has the power to make you happy. - George Michael